Call for Papers

7th International Bet Debora Conference of European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics and Rabbis

“Engendering Jewish Politics – Redefining the Role of Women”

April 16th – 19th 2015, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire (near London)



call for papers kleinGender equality can only be reached if Jewish women are more political and become empowered to take over leadership positions within Jewish communities and organizations. Gender issues also need to be taken more seriously in Jewish education. It is not enough to make women “honorary men” in Jewish religious life, because this way they will remain “invisible.” In order to make Judaism truly inclusive, women have to be seen and heard in positions of influence. more…


 Please submit abstracts in English. Abstracts should describe the planned contribution (workshop, shiur, presentation, lecture, etc.) in 150 to 250 words. Please submit a brief bio and your contact information as well.


 Submit to: by June 15, 2014